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Ayuntamiento-miniMalpartida de Cáceres City Council

Address: Plaza Mayor nº  30  CP: 10910

Phone.: 927 27 50 03 - Fax: 927 27 61 74



Turismo-miniMalpartida de Cáceres Tourism Office.

Address: Santa María street, nº4  CP: 10910

Phone: 927 27 67 23


Winter time

Tuesday to Friday
Mornings from 10:00 h to 14:00 h
Afternoons from 16:00 h to 19:00 h
Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 h to 14:00 h

Summer time
Tuesday to Friday

Mornings from 10:00 h to 14:00 h
Afternoons from 17:00 h to 19:30 h

Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 h to 14:00 h