The River Tagus from Herrera de Alcántara
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The Tagus International Natural Park occupies the banks of the Tagus River from the Alcantara Roman bridge to the dam of Cedillo, as well as the tributaries that dumped into the same. It is a cross-border natural space through which they have "broken" borders that have separated officially Spanish and Portuguese populations.
The main attraction is the landscape formed by the embedding of the River, with a well preserved margins refuge for species included in the catalogue of endangered species of Extremadura: Black Stork, native crayfish, black Vulture, Egyptian vulture, short-toed eagle, otter, and plant species such as the gall oak or Juniper.
It is possible to scroll through these spaces through the ruitas designed hikers and, in a unique way, through navigation of various stretches of the River with the boat called "Balcony of the Tagus" which can be used from the pier enabled in Herrera de Alcántara.
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