Patron Saint of the town, which is celebrated on May 15. San Isidro is the patron of all malpartidenos, and is located in the Hermitage of the same name, on the outskirts of the town. This pattern was instituted in Malpartida de Cáceres in the 1950s.
San Isidro is a celebration where live the religious, cultural and festive events.
The Festival begins on Saturday prior to the 15th of may, when the Holy reaches the town. It is procesionado to the Church parish Nuestra Señora de la Asunción where he began a Novena.
Dance of the cord
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The next day is 'The request of San Isidro', cheerful journey through the streets of the town, organized by the vestry of San Isidro, which 'calls' to the Holy and dances to the sound of brass bands.
Throughout the week of the patron, the City Council of Malpartida de Cáceres, arranges acts as the 'opening ceremony of San Isidro', cultural event that start of cultural and leisure activities. Concerts, theatres, and other recreational activities are offered throughout the week. It is also tradition to hold a competition of 'Engalanamiento Street', where neighbors come together to recreate scenes and scenery of the past.
La masse des offres est l'une des plus belles célébrations du Festival de San Isidro. À l'extérieur de l'Église célèbre une Eucharistie, où un grand nombre de femmes et d'hommes, vêtus de costumes, donne des offrandes pour le modèle malpartideno. Se produit après une procession dans les rues de la ville et est dansé 'El corde' à la Sainte.
Le lendemain, l'image de San Isidro est transféré à son ermitage et sur l'Esplanade de cette tache est célébré un pèlerinage massif en l'honneur du patron de Malpartida, Cáceres.
Les offres sont vendus après la messe. Il est également très typique goût cette journée 'les Roses de l'air', doux malpartideno typique.