Feast of great social participation, since many are the stewardships, brotherhoods and fraternities that exist in the town.
The processions boasts a great solemnity, in which commemorating sizes very loved by the malpartidena population.
Sunday, after the celebration of the Eucharist and Sunday blessing, begins a 'petition of the Lord' by the streets of Malpartida. Very old custom that still occurs and in which large numbers of people participate. This event is organised by the so-called 'Commission of the Lord', group of people involved in making the 'monument to the Lord', chapel where lies the body of Christ during his Crucifixion and death.
Procession of the Alba
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On Sunday morning, represents 'The encounter' of 'Our risen Lord' and 'The Virgin of the Rosary'. A meeting that is made from ancient time in Calle Parras, place where the Virgin is stripped by the Mayor of her black veil. The village of Malpartida breaks into applause with a roar of shots that celebrate 'The resurrection of the Lord'.
Once the religious celebrations, to the Plaza Mayor reach many people. Easter or resurrection Sunday is for one of the days more joyful and holidays of the year malpartidenos.
Procession of Holy Thursday
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Holy Thursday is celebrated one of the most solemn and beautiful local processions. Commemorating 'Christ tied to the column', 'Our father Jesus Nazarene' and 'The Virgin of solitude'. In the early hours of Thursday to good Friday, the 'Christ of the guardians' and 'Nuestra Señora de las Angustias' through silent streets of the town, becoming one of the acts of higher meditation and respect of the week Santa malpartidena. The sunrises are surprised to the Virgin and the Christ in the environment of the Hermitage of San Antonio, place where he feels a special awe.
Good Friday takes place the celebration of the 'Desenclavacion', Act recovered in the 1980s, and has great historical value. 'The guardians of the Lord' work release 'Jesus crucified' show it to the Virgen de la Soledad, and deposited in his throne to be buried. 'The burial of the Lord', then iterates through some streets of the town.
Holy Saturday is celebrated the resurrection of the Lord, a Eucharistic Celebration, where the fire and the light symbolize that 'Christ is risen'.